Usha2 Sini Sket!!!

SeLaMaT DATANG ke karpet hitam arboqskii.blogspot

Friday, April 20, 2012

i hate

first time
this post in english version
so enjoy reading

nowadays i feel unhappy
with my environments

all wants to be done
more days work become more
like a stone on my head

when this happen
my mind always interupt 
i admire to go back my hometown
i keep waiting that time

i hate the people like an actress
feel like she are very great
but very stupid
not appreciate my work
all the work i help.....forget like rubbish

i hate....

i still waiting one day...
i will get out from this dumb organisation
i hope
Allah accept my doa

i hate.....
but i appreciate all my readers

thank u read this post

u all are the best....